At AraTech Research, we are dedicated to ensuring the highest level of customer satisfaction. If, within 7 days of receiving your order, you are not fully satisfied with the fit, style, quality, or design of your product(s), you may return the item(s) in their original condition, including all packaging and labels. We will issue a refund for the purchase price of the product, excluding shipping costs.

Please be advised that special orders are NON-REFUNDABLE, including cancellations. Special orders refer to custom configurations, such as armor plates with non-standard dimensions.

To begin the return or exchange process, contact us via email at [email protected]. Email is the most reliable and efficient method of communication. If you opt to call and reach our automated voicemail, please ensure you leave a clear and detailed message.

All returns must include the original sales invoice and be received by AraTech Research within two weeks of the original delivery date. The items must be returned in the same condition as received, with all original packaging intact. Please note that shipping charges are non-refundable, and return shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer. Orders accepted for restocking may be subject to a restocking fee.

In the event of a shipment being damaged or lost in transit, it is imperative that you notify us within 5 business days to initiate a claim for damage or loss.

For exchanges, if you require a different size of the same product, you must return the original item to us. Upon receipt and inspection, we will process a refund minus shipping costs. You may then place a new order for the desired size.

At AraTech Research, we take our commitment to quality seriously. We are here to ensure your complete satisfaction with every purchase.
